Computer Graphics (Q6)

Project Tech/Algorithms

  • C++
  • OpenGL
  • .obj File Format
  • GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language

Extended Details

Computer Graphics was another game-engine based course I took at Neumont. Here I have put together a slide show of screenshots from various shaders and assignments I wrote during the course.

Shaders were written in GLSL, and loaded using the game engine I created for the Game Libraries course. This was a very intense course, stretching my shader writing skills to new levels every week.

The most difficult assignment written for the course was the Volumetric Shadows assignment. In fact, I was the only student in that particular section to get the shader rendering properly. It was a 3-pass shader involving altering several OpenGL state changes we had never worked with before or had explained to us. Through thorough research and an intense coding session, I was able to overcome this, though it is quite inefficient.

Project Credits

© Justin Furtado 2018 - LinkedIn -